Friday, January 29, 2010

January 28

This morning was a work morning. I got to hang with my buddy Peyton. We made Welcome Home signs for his dad who returns from duty on Wednesday. We had so much fun. Peyton really got into making those signs. I think we used every single paint color in stock! Watching him gave me JOY!

Tonight was our first Mom's Night Out for the spring. What fun! I really enjoy the atmosphere and the girls at my table. I am so JOYful that my friend Jen is able to attend this semester with me! I am so excited that our topic for the semester is JOY! How perfect!

January 27

Laid back kind of day. JOY! Lost 2.3 pounds this week much, much JOY!

January 26

A couple of months ago I was very blessed to be able to reunite with an old friend. A girl I haven't seen in YEARS! But a very sweet person who I have always gotten along with.
Today Abigail and I went to visit Megan and her son Albie. So much fun! We had a blast. It's so much fun to catch up with one another. Being with Megan and Albie brought Abigail and myself JOY!

Tuesday, January 26, 2010

January 25

JOY was spending the morning with a great person and her son! What fun to watch the little ones play and interact!
I am so thankful for friends they bring me tons of JOY!

Monday, January 25, 2010

January 24

I love waking up on a Sunday morning and starting my week with church. The whole experience each Sunday and how God works is really the source of my JOY throughout the week. I know that my JOY comes from Him and without Him I probably would not be able to write each day about the JOY's that I am finding.

JOY was leaving Abigail in the nursery with NO tears! JOY was worshipping next to my husband! JOY was exiting church feeling rejuvenated and ready to take on this week!

January 23

When my Saturday's begin with a morning trip to Columbus I know it's going to be a great weekend! What better way to feel JOY than when your eating an amazing donut with some delicious Dunkin Donuts coffee?

I was really looking forward to tonight. I was able to spend it with some very special people and it was so nice. I would have to say one of the things I miss most since being a momma is time spent with my girlfriends. We have been friends for such a long time. It's nice to have a chance to reconnect. Being with them brought me tons of JOY tonight!

January 22

I love when my days start out with friends and breakfast! JOY! I got to be with one of my favorite people and her son this morning. We had a wonderful breakfast and were able to catch up.

I feel so JOYful each day that Anna comes home from school with new things that she is learning. I love listening to her read! Much JOY!

More JOY when a friend came over to help with our budget. As much as we like to give him a hard time about it I know that soon it will all pay off! THAT in and of itself will be a JOYous occasion!

Friday, January 22, 2010

January 21 cont.

Also, wing night even though it has ended forever brings me (and my stomach) JOY!

January 21

Today was a work day. I had a great time with my little friend Peyton. I was reminded today how blessed I am to have a husband who is always with me. My little friends dad has been away on deployment for four months. He comes home in 14 days! We made a chain of links to countdown until his dad is home. He was so cute and just loved talking about his dad.
It's really sad to think how many families are without a mom or dad right now. I feel so greatful to those families who still manage to carry on while their loved ones are out fighting and protecting our freedom. Even more greatful to the ones fighting and protecting us.
Watching Peyton's excitement and hearing that his dad was coming home brought me much, much JOY today. I look forward to next week when we make a craft for him to give his dad. My friend Peyton brings me JOY!

January 20

I totally had a great day today! I was able to accomplish some things which is always super nice! I would have to say though that my JOY came from having a Cracker Barrel (one of my faves!) lunch with two lovely ladies, a super cute boy and my Abigirl!
It is so nice to be with friends. I totally enJOY anytime spent with girlfriends and I especially enJOY the fact that Abigail had a little person of her own to keep her occupied. I have been noticing alot lately how much JOY that gives me.

Wednesday, January 20, 2010

January 19

Boy oh boy did it take everything in me to clean my house! Laundry, kitchen, girls rooms and bathroom; CHECK! Why does it still seem like there is more to do? I feel like I can never keep up. I really miss being able to let my OCD run wild. I miss not being able to keep complete order of my house. How is that throwing one more into the mix really has thrown me off my course? I love to be organized and have everything in it's place at ALL times. I get heart palpitations every day because the clutter in my home NEVER goes away! I have organized and reorganized every single closet in my home at least a hundred times in the past six years. I HATE doing dishes eighty times a day and the sink is still never empty. I despise the fact that when I mop about thirty minutes later someone has spilled something sticky on the floor.
If you would have walked in my house last night it was perfect, fast forward to 8:30 this morning, not so much. Why does this happen? I know this may seem trivial to most but to someone who thrives on organization it is torture every day.

JOY yesterday was my sister calling and saying she made us dinner. Yes, that is how my house stayed clean from 4pm until 8:30am!  I guess the key is to clean and then leave! I hope that one day I can be content with toys all over and dishes in the sink. It would be nice to not get the anxiety that flows up within me whenever I see our house out of control...

Tuesday, January 19, 2010

January 18

Those of you who know us know that our little Abigirl just hates the car. Well, we were blessed with a 45 minute nap on our car ride home yesterday! We were then blessed with a crying 18 month old for the last 75 minutes of the ride. So hard to find JOY during those moments! By the time we got home we were so on edge.
We had both girls bathed and in bed by 7:00. JOY!

The last few hours of our night were spent showering, eating dinner (in peace and quiet) and watching television.  By 9:00 we were in bed and sleeping! More JOY!

Monday, January 18, 2010

January 17

This weekend was a busy one! We finally got to celebrate Christmas with my grandparents and dad. We were so excited to go and spend the weekend with family!
There's just something about a long car ride and ending up at your final destination. I think the word I'm looking for is, JOY! hahaha
We had fun spending time with my Nan and Pop. Opening presents is always a good time. I really enJOY watching the girls. I especially enJOYed watching Anna open her new Mario game that she has been waiting for! Pure JOY upon her face when she opened that present.
Once we finished our Boyanowski Christmas it was off to the Viehman Christmas.
More presents and more fun and more food! The girls do have fun at Daddio's and Bea Bea's. Abigail especially loves torturing us by going up and down the stairs eight hundred times! JOY is living in a house with no stairs!
As much fun as we had being away it's nice to be home. I will find much JOY sleeping in my own bed tonight!

Sunday, January 17, 2010

January 16

What a day today was! We were truly blessed today in so many ways that I really have nothing else to be but full of JOY! 


Today I was JOYful for my mom taking my girls!

Friday, January 15, 2010

January 14

I really enJOY going to work! Once again Abigail had the opportunity to play with someone her age. SO cute! I love the little kids I get to watch. They are all pretty much easy going. I totally found JOY "racing" trains with my little friend Peyton! My knees didn't find it so JOYous! But it was totally worth the pain!

It was so nice to make my husband one of his favorite meals tonight. I apparently have a new flair for making Italian Wedding soup! He LOVED it! I totally find JOY making my husband happy especially through food. I totally believe that a way to a man's heart is through his stomach!

Thursday, January 14, 2010

Anna the Girl Scout!

JOY was walking Anna home from school holding hands. Anna only holds hands when she has to. So, for her to hold my hand the whole way home was super nice! 

I loved how excited she got when she found out she would be selling Girl Scout cookies. She wants the trophy (of course to get the trophy you must sell 1000 boxes!). To see her try to set a goal (even one that may be a bit on the unrealistic side) for something she wants to do was pretty neat. I found myself feeling JOYful just watching her excitement!
I love my little Girl Scout!

Wednesday, January 13, 2010

January 12

I was asked to come to work to fill in today. I enJOY my "job".  I honestly never thought I'd find myself working with children again. When I left TCA I said I was done and then after I had Anna I thought I could never have enough patience to be with other people's children (in a work setting!).
I guess that's why they say "Never say never"!

I took care of a little girl who was about two weeks older than Abigail. It was so cute to see Abigail get so excited over a child her own age. Now, Anna always had kids around that were her age. Abigail just doesn't have that. So, when she sees somebody her height she goes crazy! She was hugging and touching the girls hair. She would blow her kisses and just walk up and stare at her.
They played so nicely together. It was a JOY to watch (and get paid to do it!)!

Tuesday, January 12, 2010

January 11

JOY is my Pop Pop celebrating another birthday!

Monday, January 11, 2010

January 10

Today was pretty low key. I find JOY in knowing my husband is doing everything he can to take care of me and my girls.

Sunday, January 10, 2010

Abigail is JOY (1/09/10)

My little one can be such a JOY. I was laying in bed thinking of my afternoon with Abigail. I love holding her and rocking her, when she allows me to. She is the source of much comedic relief to my husband and I. Although she can be quite naughty and a total handful she really does make me smile.

We were at the mall with my brother. He was off looking for sneakers and I pretty much just walked the mall. At one of the stores Abigail took to winning strangers over with her crooked smile and cute Miss America wave. After the same scene in a few other stores I bought an Orange Julius (let me just tell you how happy I was the day I saw an Orange Julius in NJ! That was complete JOY! I never saw one in NJ since we moved here when I was in fourth grade from PA.) Now, most of you know that Abigail is part gerbil or goat, not sure which, so you can only imagine what this baby did to a styrofoam cup and plastic lid. After deciding she was done with the straw she chewed her way through the cup to get to the good stuff! Normally this would make me crazy but since I wasn't on a mission I sat down and just smiled at my funny girl. She is nuts!

After cleaning her up I decided to take her to the fountain to throw in some coins. She absolutely loved doing this and the smile on her face was priceless. Of course being free from the stroller she decided she needed to roam a bit. So, three laps around the fountain we went. Her smiling her crooked smile and stopping at every person sitting down to wave at them. I love seeing the JOY other people get from my little girl.
After the third time it was back into the stroller. Of course that smiling girl turned into a writhing monster! Bring out the DumDum (Nan, if you are reading stop NOW!)! I have given this precious baby dumdum lollipops in the past and have never witnessed what happened in my life. After handing over the pop we walked into Nordstrom to head out to the car. I look down at her and watch as she pulls out the stick and not the pop. My gerbil/goat had chewed her way THROUGH the stick so that all she had in her mouth was the pop! At first I didn't know if I should laugh or give her the heimlich. I couldn't believe it! So, standing in the middle of the shoe department I preceed to "finger sweep" and the whole time praying don't choke, don't choke. Out came the pop and with it the massive tantrum! Once again, she is so crazy!

Within minutes she was over her escapade and we were in the car ready to go. She continued her cute smiling and waving through dinner and was as happy as a clam the whole way home. I was able to rock her last night and thought to myself how many people did I catch just smiling and enJOYing my little girl today? No matter how nuts she can make me at the very next moment she is smiling her trademark smile and bringing JOY as she does!

My First Week Blogging

Well, this past week has definitely been one I won't forget for a long time. I'm so glad my husband is my best friend. He understands what I'm thinking and since we are going through the same things he totally gets it. I'm sure that God is using this week to help us depend more on Him. 

I've learned that we can do without certain things (although I must admit this lesson I've learned a number of times over the past six years!). The one thing that I've learned you can't do without is friends and family. The people who will do anything for you and who know that in their time of need you would totally reciprocate. 

I found that trying to find my JOY every day was like a game. I would process the things that were happening each day and try to find the JOY in each one. I think that this 2010 Journey is going to be a good one for me. I know that some days it will be harder to find JOY than others. The days where the JOY is abundant are the days that will get me through the rest!

Saturday, January 9, 2010

January 8

I love waking up to snow. Snow always looks so pretty and makes everything look brand new. I must admit though I would rather have lots of snow than a small amount.
Watching Anna get excited when she looks out the window in the morning brings my heart JOY. I remember what it was like to get so excited to see snow on the ground. Ok, I still get excited when I see snow on the ground! Especially when it's enough to keep my husband and daughter home.
Although the snow didn't last long it was still a nice way to wake up Friday morning.

I've noticed this past week that I find JOY when we have the opportunity to share our day with friends or family. We've done that alot this week.
Something as simple as a pot of chili and cornbread is a perfect excuse to invite friends over!  I love cooking for my family and friends. It is a stress reliever for me.
Cooking brings me JOY!

Friday, January 8, 2010

January 7

Did you ever have one of those days where you feel like you've been going non-stop since you crawled (yes, crawled!) out of bed? Well, today was one of those days for me.

It was so nice to go back to work today. I really look forward to every Thursday and some days I wish it was more than once a week. Somedays....
I enJOY the break and the change of scenery. JOY was found at work in talking with the other ladies, seeing the kids and just being out of the house!

Abigail and I attacked the food store after her lunch and nap. I kept hearing about a snow storm so figured I better go replenish the milk, our third gallon of the week, and other food items we needed. So glad I did this for the "dusting" of snow. At least it's done and now I don't have to fight the weekend crowds, JOY!

My next JOY was also mixed with pride. Anna has been working hard on learning to read. She is picking it up quite quickly. Her teacher sent home a reading list to go over.
I sat with Anna and she read every word on that list! By the end of the night she didn't hesitate with a single one! It is so exciting to see your child do something so wonderful and to see the JOY it brings her when she knows she just read that and didn't even need help. I am a proud momma!

Dinner tonight was JOY. Wings! I do look forward to our wing nights and our friend has a knack for making the best wings. It may seem silly but, it is one of my favorite JOY's! The night is even more fun when you have a gang to eat them with.
The nightcap was Housewives with my friend. Ending the day with a friend and mindless television is JOY.
As I'm writing this I think most Thursdays bring me JOY. My Thursdays usually start the same and end the same and the middle is usually quite enJOYable.

Thursday, January 7, 2010

January 6

So, two days into the school week and towards the end of the day Tuesday I get a call that Anna is sick and needs to come home. Nice.
Wednesday was spent making sure Anna got rest so she could return to school the next day. Luckily, Abigail has not gotten it but is still recovering from her black eye.

As I sit here to type I really have nothing to say. What a lazy day! Maybe that is my JOY for Wednesday?

Wednesday, January 6, 2010

January 5

JOY is having a huge weight lifted off your shoulders! With the help of a friend my husband and I felt this kind of JOY today. It's going to be a process but I look forward to the day when the weight is completely gone!
JOY is having friends who care enough to take time out of their day to say "Hey, let me help you out with that!".
JOY is knowing you can count on family to help you out when you need it. This has definitely rung true this past week!
JOY is watching your prayers being answered even though it has taken a little longer than what you would have preferred. Let's just say patience is definitely something I have had to learn over the past six years!
Sometimes JOY happens in the strangest of ways in the most unusual places.

Tuesday, January 5, 2010

January 4

Monday was bittersweet. Bitter in the fact that our break was over and Jer was off to work and Anna back to Kindergarten. Sweet in the fact that Jer was off to work and Anna back to Kindergarten! It's nice to take a break from the normal routine of life but I believe kids as well as parents do need that routine.
It is always tough though to get back into it! Let's just say my beautiful Kindergartener is gonna have a long week ahead of her. She went into school just fine but came home a complete disaster! I totally predicted it and was mentally prepared for all the meltdowns. And there were a few!
But nothing over the top. Whew!
It was weird for me on the walk to school in the morning. I had gotten (finally!) used to Anna being gone but I must admit I really enjoy having her home. Dropping her off totally felt like the first day of school and me having to let my little girl go again.
I did feel JOY though when she walked in happy and not crying! I also felt JOY when I accomplished all the things on my to-do list!
We spent the evening with family and that is always JOY (well, almost always!).
Even more JOY in the fact that I did not have to cook dinner or clean up after it!

Monday, January 4, 2010

January 3

Still on cloud nine after my date night I went to bed all set to have a great Sunday with my family. Well, let's just say the night of sleep I intended on getting didn't happen quite as planned.

We went to bed around ten, at about midnight Anna came in because of a bad dream. I calmed her down and sent her back to her bed. At one she came back with blanket and pillow and laid down on the floor. I decided she shouldn't be sleeping on the floor on such a cold night so, into my bed she went and into her bed I went. At about three Abigail wakes up crying but eventually falls back to sleep. Then around five my darling husband comes in Anna's room to climb into her bed (apparently she was kicking him and he thought I was still in our bed) and of course sits right on me. He heads back to bed where he immediately falls asleep and I'm left to toss and turn over the next two hours. FABULOUS!

At this point I know it's going to be a long day. Of course I should be used to all this "action". This describes most nights in our house. Not so much the whole musical beds but Anna coming in because of nightmares and Abigail crying. I crawl out of bed and I am thinking nothing but COFFEE! We eat our breakfast and talk about the days plans.

The morning went by fairly quickly and JOY came at about 12:30 when Abigail laid down for a nap. Into my bed I dove! Nothing like a Sunday afternoon nap. Aren't they the best?

JOY came again in the evening when we went to my girlfriend's house for dinner and football. I was looking forward to this all weekend. I love my friend and her family! Every time I am around them is a good time. Her family makes you feel so welcome and like you are part of them. I think I really enjoy just sitting back and watching them. I have always liked to sit and observe her and her sisters. It's not quite as entertaining as when they were all living in the same house but is still quite amusing. It is so amazing how four girls who grew up with the same parents and under the same roof can all be so very different. You can tell they all love each other and would do anything for one another. How great is that? I'm glad I am also a part of a family who is just like this! I just love when you can go from your own family to another family and just feel at home.

It's wonderful how JOY can come just from something as simple as dinner with your close friends or family!

Sunday, January 3, 2010

January 2

We have all been home together over the past two weeks during Christmas break. We had a great Christmas and enjoyed family, friends and one another's company! I would have to say though by Saturday my husband and I were feeling a tad bit of cabin fever with two kids. We decided we needed to get out!
JOY came when my husband said "Let's call Megan (our sitter) and let's go on a date"! This is why I love him. He knows exactly what I need!
More JOY came when Megan said that she was available!

Being married with kids I totally believe that you need time out from them to regroup. Since parenting is a team effort sometimes the "coaches" have to come together to work out their game plan. We went out for a few hours and just did things WE wanted to do; without the hassle of the "players"! When you take this time for yourself and your spouse it does seem easier to come back and put your head in the game.

Once we were back home and on our "playing field" I felt relaxed and ready to take on the new week. I felt JOY when I sat down and thought of my sleeping beauties and my date and how sometimes the small things, like a few hours out, can really change your perception of the "game".

Friday, January 1, 2010

My Blog

Hello! Well, I've decided to jump on the blog bandwagon! We'll see how this goes.

I am a 29 year old (at least until February!) stay at home mom. I have two beautiful girls, Anna and Abigail. My husband, Jerry, is a health and physical education teacher at a middle school. We have been married for a little over six years. I enjoy being married to my best friend. Being a mom, sometimes not so enjoyable, is my calling at this stage in my life and I give it my all.

The title of my blog is "journey to JOY". I've decided that every day in 2010 I am going to find the JOY in that day. Staying at home is a struggle whether it be financially, emotionally, physically, etc. and it is sometimes hard to find the JOY.

2009 was a very draining year on myself individually and my family. Now, I know that people out there have it worse and all that. But, as far as OUR life goes it was trying. I found myself always looking at the negative aspects because it seemed there was more of them than positive.
Most times it is easier to focus on that then anything else. It doesn't help that our youngest daughter has not slept through the night since the day she was born. Sleep deprivation really takes a toll on your body physically and can leave you feeling very temperamental and oversensitive.
Towards the end of the year I felt myself becoming more and more cynical. Let's just say the events of the last day of the year summed up how the year went for us. I am more than happy to be rid of 2009!

Moving forward; New Year, New Attitude! The past is now in the past and we have the future and what it holds to look forward to. I try not to get too excited for a new year because most have not been very different than the year before it (yes, that's the cynic in me). But, on my new "journey" I am determined to find the JOY in everything!

Stay tuned....