Sunday, February 28, 2010

Final Friday

So, counting down the days to my BIG birthday is so not fun! 
We woke up early this morning to the phone ringing and a recording of NO SCHOOL! JOY!
The fourth snow day of the winter. Crazy! I was so glad though to not have to go through the morning routines. They have been feeling quite monotonous lately. 
We spent our day hanging around. I had driven to our favorite donut place Thursday so Jer, the girls and I had some yummy delicious donuts for breakfast while watching the snow fall. It was nice to not rush around and sit and enJOY breakfast together. 

Wednesday, February 24, 2010

Hump Day

My Wednesday started pretty good. Well, the first hour anyway! Most mornings are pretty low key. I am rarely stressed first thing (that's a JOY in and of itself!). For some reason all hell broke loose this morning. It all started with Anna freaking out over my brushing her hair. Went DOWN hill from there! I really don't like yelling at Anna especially before sending her off for the day. Luckily, with some calming down and some prayers we got back on track. JOY! 
But, momma was now frazzled for the morning.

My JOY was meeting a friend for breakfast. I do love being around her. She is always so positive and being with her made me feel better! Our time together was great and the kids were all super. JOY! 

I found a little more JOY in some retail therapy. Since becoming a mom and living on a single income I have learned the JOY of window shopping and fitting room satisfaction! I am a born shopper (it's in my genes!). I now walk through the mall just trying things on checking out the new things and it really does lower my stress level. Silly, yes but still it brings me some JOY. And the fact that Abigail was so well behaved and such a little shopper herself!

Tuesday, February 23, 2010

Sunday News

We enJOY going to church Sunday mornings. It's a time for Jer and I to be together to learn and worship. It really gets our week off to a good start. This Sunday however we had a little more emotion than most Sundays.

After church we came home and ate lunch with the girls. At noon we both sat in front of our computer and watched a live webcast of a meeting going on after the 11am service. Our senior pastor would be addressing the congregation that he was leaving. I must admit I was super excited for him and his family and the more he talked the more excited I felt for them. He had accepted the position of President at Wheaton College. The way this all came about for him was just amazing. It was a very emotional meeting and I caught myself tearing a few times. So, glad I was at home!

JOY is watching God work in lives all around me and it's amazing how HE works!

Congregational Meeting - 2-21-2010 from Tenth Presbyterian Church on Vimeo.


Saturday was a fun filled day! Anna and I started our morning with breakfast at Cracker Barrel. We met her two teachers from last year who she LOVES! JOY was watching her during our "girl" breakfast. She loved talking to them about Kindergarten and all that she's doing in her little life.

Later on in the afternoon we headed out to the Cherry Hill mall with my sister and her girls to get some ears pierced! The girls were beyond excited. I laugh at how this all came about and still can't believe it happened. Ella called Anna last week and asked if she wanted to get her ears pierced. Surprisingly Anna said "sure Ella"! I find out later that my sister told Ella (who had her ears pierced before but then took them out  a few months later) she could only get them done if Anna said yes. My sister figured Anna would never say yes....well, surprise she did!

The girls were all so cute and all so brave! Ella and Haily did not shed one tear. Anna cried a bit right after but eventually pulled herself together to check out her new ears! They all looked so cute and were so excited to finally have it done, yes everyone that would look and stop to see was told that they just got their ears pierced! Doing this on Saturday brought me JOY!

Friday, February 19, 2010

February 18

JOY today was watching Anna receive her first library card! She was so sweet about it.
She signed her name on the back and was so excited to check out her own books and movies!

I had a great conference with Anna's teacher this afternoon. As a parent it is so great to hear that your child is doing a good job in their school life. I love hearing about her little accomplishments and how she is with the other pupils. I must admit I still wish she was home with me but to know that she has adjusted to the routine of school brings me JOY!

February 17

I am very proud of a friend of mine. I admire her and her strength. She lost her mother three years ago and on Saturday her father will remarry. As hard as this is going to be for her she is glad that her father is happy. How amazing is it to be able to find JOY even after such a great loss? I found JOY sitting with her at breakfast and listening her tell me about her life!

After breakfast I made my way to surprise my hubby with leftovers for lunch! Abigail loves to go to daddy's work and run around the gymnasium. I enJOY watching the two of them play.

Wednesday, February 17, 2010

February 16

I am nearing the end of my twenties. I really can not find much JOY in this. I try and try.
If I think about it too much the tears start. Why all of a sudden is it so hard to get older? You look forward to birthday's until about 27 and then you realize WOW, I'm that much closer to......! I need another five years to accomplish what I wanted to accomplish in years 20-29. I was thrown a few curve balls and that set me off track and the next thing I know I'm staring the next age in the face....sorry, I just can't say THAT number yet.

Is it because I didn't "have fun"? Or, because I was unable to finish school? I didn't get a chance to be "just married"?  Is it because I enjoyed ages 20-23, 26, & 28 and half of 29? I go through every reason in my mind why I'm clinging to my twenties. I do not enjoy getting older. I do not enjoy watching my girls get older. Sometimes I wish God allowed us a freeze button to let us catch up on what we need to catch up on. Once we were ready we could hit play.

Enough about my getting older woes.

My JOY today was hanging around the house with Abigail. We had no where to be and not much to do (well, housework but that can always wait until tomorrow!) so it was a perfect lazy day! JOY!

Tuesday, February 16, 2010

February 15

This morning I was served breakfast in bed by my husband and daughters! What a way to wake up! I was so surprised that they did this for me. My husband even made my favorite kind of pancakes (pecan!). Breakfast in bed brought me lots and lots of JOY!
We enjoyed a lazy morning together as a family. We took the girls out to play in the snow and built them their own personal sledding hill. They had so much fun. It was nice that the four of us were FINALLY able to all enJOY the snow.
I loved watching Anna and Abigail go down their little hill and the excitement it brought them. I know our Mt. Campagna brought my little girls JOY! It did for me!

Monday, February 15, 2010

Valentine's Day!

I woke this morning to a tiptoe and a whisper from the other side of the bed "Happy Valentine's Day, Daddy! I love you!". It made my heart melt. Anna loves her daddy more than words can describe. He is her prince. Her knight in shining armor. Her Bowser. Her sword fighting companion. Her video game playmate. Her comforter at night before sleep. And today her Valentine! Their relationship brings me JOY.
He is the greatest father. He gives so much of himself to his girls.
Abigail is also a daddy's girl. I think if she could permanently attach herself to him she would. She runs to the door as soon as he comes in (even if he was just taking out the trash), she sits on his lap every chance she gets and she is full of hugs and kisses for just daddy. Watching her express her love to her daddy brings me JOY.
I love my husband very much. I may not openly express it as often as my girls do but he is my best friend, my love, my soulmate. My husband brings me overflowing JOY!
Jerry, we love you and thank you for all you do for our family! Thank you for bringing all three of your Valentine's JOY everyday! xo

Super Saturday

Had a great morning with my man! We slept in (Thanks Mom!) and had a Cracker Barrel breakfast together. Isn't it so nice to enjoy a meal without children, especially a meal that requires a cup (or two) of coffee? I enJOY time spent with Jerry. He is the love of my life!
Once the girls returned home we spent the rest of the day just chillin'. It was nice.
We enJOYed going to my niece's birthday party tonight. Haily is JOY she is so cute and lovable! I love when my Nan and Pop come to visit. They are the best grandparents ever. JOY is being around them, even when Pop is in a mood! :)

Saturday, February 13, 2010

Fun Friday

Today was full of fun! The best part of my morning was when my sister called and said she wanted Abi. JOY, JOY, JOY much, much JOY! Packed her up and off she went to spend the day in Shamong. 
Anna had a Chuck e Cheese playdate this morning with some of her little girlfriends from school. We BOTH had a great time. She spent the time running around and playing games with her friends and I got to spend time having grown up conversation with the moms! JOY for me and JOY for her! 
I do love spending time with just Anna. She is growing up too fast. We were able to do things that we don't usually have time for with her in school all day. JOY!
Another JOYful experience of my day was going out to dinner to Buca Di Beppo. I love that place. The food was excellent, the company was fun and there were NO kids! Once again, JOY!  

Thawing out Thursday

I married a teacher. I married a teacher knowing the benefits (some good, some not so good) one of them being SNOW DAYS. Well, this teacher I married has now been gone all three snow days this year. BUMMER! The JOY side of it is he is out earning extra money. I appreciate all his hard work and his willingness to go out in the freezing, snowy, wet weather to provide for our little family.
With that being said I must say it brought me great, great JOY to leave the house Thursday. Even if it was just to Target! The girls were excellent (JOY) the whole time we were out which proved to me that they needed to be out just as much as I did.
I really enJOY the snow but I believe I am over it and the snow storms!

Thursday, February 11, 2010

Wintry Wednesday

Wow, let the snow fall! I cannot believe all the snow we have gotten today! Unbelievable! I do enJOY watching the snow fall and the way it looks the day after when the sun is out and shining. I do NOT enjoy shoveling the snow! Especially the snow piles that the plow man likes to leave in front of both ends of our driveway.
I enJOY cooking and baking, I did alot of both today. We had super yummy cinnamon buns for dessert tonight. Cinnamon buns bring me JOY!
Watching my girls play with their daddy tonight before dinner was so nice. They love to be in the snow but they love it even more when daddy is home! JOY was taking pictures of them playing and having a great time.

Wednesday, February 10, 2010

Terrific Tuesday

Did you ever love a person so much but at the same time they just totally drove you crazy? This is my relationship with Abigail. She is so cute and I love her to death but she can totally cause me to lose my mind. With that being said, I have to admit I really do enJOY a break from her. 
This morning my mom watched Abi so I could help out in Anna's class. JOY!
Going to Anna's class is always a fun time. Today I went to help her teacher by tracing the student's silhouettes for a Valentine's project. Funny, I thought no big deal this should be easy. Umm, yeah if they could keep their little heads still for more than a millisecond! The boys actually kept still better than the girls which totally blew my mind. 

God bless her two teachers. They have their hands full with a very busy class of 5 and 6 year olds!

Monday, February 8, 2010

Monday, Monday

This morning I must admit I was hoping Jerry would have a delayed opening at work. I was not up to being up! But, no such luck. 
So, up and at 'em! As the kids were eating breakfast I started into my normal routine of packing Anna's lunch when I remembered she had a half day. JOY! 
I really love when she has half days. I totally feel like her kindergarten should be half day every day. She's in a better mood in the morning AND when she's done. There are no meltdowns or whining. JOY!  
I bet if they did a study on full day and half day Kindergarten students they would find the half day students are much more pleasant. 
I'm just betting!
Some days I still wish we would have had the opportunity to send her to a half day Kindergarten. But, I feel there's a reason it didn't happen and that she's supposed to be where she is for now. 
Our afternoon and evening were pretty uneventful. We enJOYed some time together as a family and that was nice. I love my family they bring my so much JOY!


Snowy Weekend

What a long drawn out weekend. And only because I spent most of it stuck in the house with the girls. Hubby left mid-morning Saturday to do some "snow work". So my plans for a fun filled family snowy weekend went down the drain. Instead it became how to entertain two girly's and not go crazy kind of weekend!
It did not help that Abigail had woken up at 6am that morning. I know on those type of mornings that it is going to be a LONG day. Really tried to be JOYful but when I know my hubby is not going to be around the whole day it is much easier to focus on the negative. I love my husband and his willingness to make some extra cash. I am thankful for that and I do find the JOY in knowing he is providing for us as a family.
Bubbles, playdoh, games, hopscotch, snacks, nap, lunch, dinner, movies, books, shows the day really seemed like it was never going to end. But, JOY, it did and we survived!
Only to wake up Sunday morning to do it all over again. 7:30am say goodbye to Daddy again. Out he walks and I'm left with two crying girls. No, no, no I'm not going to find JOY today! But, I did with my large Dunkin Donuts coffee that was "delivered". While drinking my coffee I decided we needed a game plan. While everyone in Eastampton was getting their driveways cleared ours was still a mess. So, I knew some "snow play" would do the girls good. Once the sun hit the front out we went! Momma shoveled, swept and cleared snow while the girls ran around. JOY we are all clear and we can leave the house after naps! 

More JOY when Daddy got home with his "pay" and off we went! There is nothing better than breaking free after you've been stuck in the house! Chuck e cheese was the destination. Never thought I'd be so JOYful to be inside of Chuck e cheese! The girls had a great time running around and playing games (I even got to play a few with Anna, JOY!). 
Now, another snowstorm on the horizon....hoping I can find JOY in that. 
Stay tuned....

Sunday, February 7, 2010

This Week!

Wow! Where did this past week go? One minute I was catching up on my blog the next thing I know it's Sunday morning. Crazy!
I know my week started good. Monday morning began with a visit to my fave Dr. to get my adjustment. Funny how going to get my spine adjusted really transforms my attitude as well. So, all adjusted and ready to begin my week! JOY!
We had my family over for dinner on Monday for a Bon Voyage to my sister and her family who were headed to Disney the next day. The girls had a good time saying goodbye. Watching them play together and see their love for one another brings me JOY!
Things get a little fuzzy after Monday night. I know either Tuesday or Wednesday my sister in law and niece came over for breakfast and to play. Gracy and Abigail played so nicely together that morning (whichever morning it was!)! JOY, JOY!
Thursday morning I got to work and was told my buddy Peyton was not going to be there. His father had come home the day before so he was spending the morning with him. JOY for that! JOY when I was told I could just go home and come back later for lunch bunch. JOY to be in a QUIET house and drink my coffee in SILENCE!!!
Friday I woke up full of JOY! On the horizon was breakfast at Panera (one of my fave's!) with a friend who brings me much JOY whenever I am around her. 
Friday night we had another family dinner! JOY! Made a new recipe which was so good. All the girls played nicely together and we got to enJOY conversation without too many interruptions! JOY! 
That was my week and it was full of JOY. Yes, it had it's moments but I am really trying to focus on the JOYful ones. I noticed some days it is really hard to do. As long as I continue to realize that in the bad times there are good things I believe it will get easier!

Tuesday, February 2, 2010

A Few Days....

January 29
What a day! I LOVE days when Anna has off from school. It is SO nice to not have to be up and out the door. It's great to be able to take our time, stay in our jams, I get to enJOY my cup of coffee!
Today we took Abigail to the sitters (JOY!) and we went to the movies. I really do enJOY taking Anna to the movies. I love watching her face throughout and it's so funny to watch her laugh at things that are funny to her. We met my mom, my sister and my nieces and we saw The Chipmunks. Cute movie!

January 30
JOY is a Saturday morning! It's so nice to have my hubby home and once again to just enJOY the morning. We ran errands after breakfast and accomplished them all in about three hours. JOY is having a second set of hands and legs to run errands with!

January 31
Up and at em' for church this morning. JOY is my Dunkin Donuts coffee on the way to church! It's so funny how since I began this "journey" I am constantly reminded that I was meant to pick JOY.
It was in the pastor's sermon (JOY was listening to Dr. Tripp this morning!) and at the end of the service the hymn that the pastor chose was.....JOY to the World! How perfect! I think I was floating on air while singing.

Catching Up!

So, it's been a few days since I last "blogged"! Been a little busy. Funny though I still find myself going through the events of each day and finding JOY in each one. So, on to catching up!