Saturday, July 24, 2010

Summer JOY

Over the past month or so I've had a case of the missing husband blues. My hubby took a job at a swim club for the summer. In June he worked every Saturday and since then we have seen him on Sunday's. He is also working at a school in Northeast Philly doing a PE summer course. It's tough to go from teacher hours to basically 80 hours a week of work. I am grateful that he has work this summer because we both said we didn't want another summer like last year where there was no work and no money. It's just extremely tough to be without him.
My girls are having a hard time not seeing him. They are both daddy's girls and they miss seeing him every day.

The JOY in all this is we are definitly learning how to make the time we DO see him much more special. We are learning to enJOY having breakfast twice a week together since every other night he is working and we miss dinner with him.
The girls and I are finding new things to do during the day. We do get to spend time at the pool where he will pop over to the baby pool occasionally to see how we are doing. We will enJOY not having to play catch up with our bills come September! Once the summer school is done we will finally have him three days a week for three weeks where we will finally get to do the things we love doing in the summer as a family!

We are looking forward to the beach, lake beach, Great Adventure, another trip to PA and many other things that we are hoping to fit in before the school year begins!

Tuesday, July 6, 2010

Independantly JOYful

It is so wonderful to share the JOY's of Independance Day with my girls! How exciting is it to celebrate our freedom and to remember who makes that freedom possible?!
We spent our Fourth of July with my dad and my grandparents. It was a wonderful time of eating, drinking, swimming, sparklers and fireworks!

Spending time with family we don't often see brings my little family JOY.
JOY in being with one another and just having a good time.