Saturday, January 22, 2011

new JOY

So, I've been racking my brain for two weeks. I really want to take a different turn with my writing and what I write about on my blog. I want to keep JOY in the title but I want to take a new spin on it. Every day I think and think of how I could go about switching it up.

Saturday, January 8, 2011

A Year Finding JOY

Well, I can't believe a year has gone by. I can't believe all that has happened in this past year. I can't believe it's been a year since I started this blog. Crazy!
I have enJOYed reading the posts of this past year. It has brought back memories and made me remember why I needed to start this blog.  
I'm not sure how many people read this but I'm grateful for those of you who have.

2011 is going to bring new JOY moments and I look forward to them.
Thanks for reading my blog throughout 2010!