Sunday, April 18, 2010

finding JOY

JOY is the theme of my blog (obviously). I have been finding JOY in many different aspects of daily life. JOY is something that a person should not be without. I feel that some people think that JOY comes from money, or a good job, or a nice car etc, etc. I know that those things are nice and yes, it may seem like JOY when you have them but true JOY is knowing that you DON'T need those things to enJOY life. Sometimes it takes losing one or more of those things to discover that. 
The more I find in my JOY "searches" the more I realize that my every day JOY comes from my girls, or my husband, or things the Lord teaches me, or my friends. JOY never comes from things. 
Now, I'm not saying I don't feel something when I'm out shopping and find that great new shirt or pair of shoes. That thrill is fleeting and lasts about as long as it takes to hang it in my closet. Definitely not the same type of JOY!
What gives you JOY throughout your days and weeks?

Monday, April 12, 2010

Break Time

Wow! What a crazy week it has been! We spent Easter in Myrtle Beach with my in-laws. The weather was gorgeous and the girls had a blast with their Mimi and Poppy. We even got to go to the beach! The beach is always a JOY whether it's with kids or not. I love listening to the ocean and feel the sand beneath my feet! 

We had a wonderful Spring break together as a family and did alot of fun things. JOY is spending time with my family and having fun together!