Tuesday, March 30, 2010

Writer's Block?

I have logged on every day for the past week and just couldn't write anything down.

I started writing this blog when I needed to find JOY in a certain situation. I began recording my JOY's every day. The more I looked for things to write about the more JOY I found in my day. Over the past few months I have eased up on my blogging but I haven't eased up on my JOY discoveries!

This past week has been a tough one. It certainly is easier to find JOY  in a normal day when really the biggest complaint could be not enough sleep, a cranky baby, or a low checking account. It can be tough when your having a "day" but usually something can be found as a JOY. When I am faced with situations much bigger I do tend to focus on the negative of it. I'm human.

I am having a hard time focusing on anything positive when everything that has been going on seems so negative. I am finding JOY in the fact that just like all the other times we will be brought to our knees and when God knows we can't take anymore He will bring us through it. 

JOY is knowing that you made it through!

Sunday, March 21, 2010

Beautiful Weekend

Our weekend started out pretty mellow. I helped several moms on Friday afternoon cut out boxtops for the school as all of our kiddos played together. It was a beautiful afternoon and the girls had a blast running around and being with other children. It was a nice opportunity to get to know some of the other moms from Anna's school.

Saturday I made cinnamon buns and my hubby got us Dunkin Donuts coffee (JOY!). I can NEVER have too much d&d coffee. It IS so good! It really does make me happy and I enJOY it. I am not ashamed to admit it! We then went to Manahawkin to my mom's fundraiser yard sale at her church. After that we had acquired Haily and went to visit friends.

Pastor Bill, Aunt Jean and Sue live in Manahawkin and so whenever we are near there we try to stop in for a visit. They live right on the bay and so it was an absolutely perfect day to be there. It was nice to be with them and be able to catch up a little. The girls loved walking on the docks and checking out the minnows in the bay. Being there gave Jer and I much JOY! We had dinner later on with Jer's brother and his family which was enJOYable and a good time!

This morning was mellow for us. I believe the girls are still trying to catch up from the time change so we all woke up a little later than normal for Sunday. We ran some errands and had a nice little picnic at the park! Our day ended with a trip for some ice cream which was a great treat! Our weekend was fabulous and we totally enJOYed it!

Wednesday, March 17, 2010


I am convinced that each week is slowly molding into one another.  I am feeling utterly exhausted this week. The time change always tends to throw me for a loop. I can't get my body adjusted for some reason. I DO enJOY the thought of springing ahead and getting more daylight!

The nice thing about daylight savings (at least this time of year) is the promise of warmer, longer days ahead. JOY!

My girls are really enJOYing the beautiful weather that we have been having the past couple of days. Abigail has learned to open the screen door and let herself out. Although it made me laugh the first time I must admit I am not liking this at all!
She is cute though....

I am really looking forward to spending the weekend with my husband and girly's and just chilling! Maybe we'll find some time to "catch up" on that hour that seems to have lost itself. That would be a little bit of JOY!

Wednesday, March 10, 2010


I am SO loving this weather we have been given this past week! Isn't it absolutely fabulous? I have enJOYed walking Anna to school in the mornings and NOT freezing my hiney off! I have enJOYed walking to pick her up in the afternoons and then being able to stay outside for her and Abigail to play.
What is it about the warmer weather that just makes you feel better? For that matter what is it about the cold weather that makes you want to attach yourself to your couch and a blanket and not move?
I find so much JOY in all the glimpses of spring slowly approaching! The grass looks a little greener, the buds from the flowers are starting to pop out of the ground, the daylight is lasting longer and the temperature is definitely warmer!
I hope everyone else is finding JOY in the glimpses we are being given....

Monday, March 8, 2010

Fun Weekend

I was so glad to get my WHOLE house cleaned on Saturday. I mean scrubbed top to bottom, well maybe not top to bottom but it got a good cleaning. I must admit that I do find JOY in a clean house. It makes me feel less claustrophobic when things are neat and tidy.

It was an absolutely beautiful day on Saturday and we took the girls outside to play which they DESPERATELY needed! Watching my girls play together and enJOY one anothers company makes me so happy. They are so cute to watch. We checked on our lily's which are coming up nicely! JOY!

Saturday night we went to a fundraiser for my girlfriends daughters softball team. I love my friend and always have such a good time with her. You could tell that all the parents put alot of work into it. I don't remember the last time I danced but it's been TOO long. I had a blast cutting a rug with my girl (and my man too!)! It was a great night and Jer and I got a night without kids! JOY!

Sunday morning was church and JOY entered my heart while walking into church with my family. Anna noticed doors on our church that are painted a goldenish color. As we were walking past them she said to me "Mommy look at those gold doors! Are those the doors Jesus uses?". I love how children are so innocent in there wonderings. Her little statement had me smiling throughout the service.
We had brunch at the Cheesecake Factory following church. Need I say more? JOY! And my delicious dessert later on...more JOY! :)

Saturday, March 6, 2010


Where has the week gone? I know everyone says the older you get the faster time flies. Seriously though I can't believe this week is over. It's not even that the week was jam packed. Well, MY week wasn't but my husbands was so that makes a week even more crazy for me.

My little Abi has been learning more words each and every day. I love listening to her try new words it is JOY to my ears. Although I must admit her newest word (MINE!!) does not. It just proves that the terrible twos are right around the corner. Yuck!

Anna celebrated Dr. Seuss' birthday in school this week. SO cute! Every day was a different "theme". Her favorite was getting dressed up like Jessie (from Toy Story) and taking her Toy Story book to read to her class. Her second favorite was taking her Honey bear to class and a book. I find JOY while watching her get excited about school and hearing the stories she tells when she comes home.

One of my favorite moments of this week was discovering that my lily's had sprouted!
Watching Spring arrive in little ways throughout this week has given me much JOY and I am certainly looking forward to the longer, warmer days ahead!
I also enJOYed playing with my new camera this week. I had fun taking pictures of the girls and spring!

Tuesday, March 2, 2010

A Few Days....2

Sunday was my birthday. It was a laid back day that started out with me sleeping in. JOY! A delicious breakfast that came out of a basket of food my mother in law sent me. Chocolate muffin, croissant with cream cheese and coffee....JOY!

We spent the day at my sister's eating leftovers from the party and just hanging out.

Monday I was still so tired and spent the day just chillin' with Abigail.

Monday, March 1, 2010


I was so glad that both girls slept until 7:30 this morning. JOY! Especially since Jer was at a conference. It was nice to not see 6 on the alarm clock! 
I woke up very distressed. I came to tears a few times in the course of the morning. I'm still trying to figure out why my birthday is bothering me. Luckily before I could get to into my pity party the phone rang and out of it I came. JOY for a sister and sister in law who called and made me forget to finish the tears.

We spent the morning and early afternoon hanging with my sister in law and nieces. The girls had fun and kept busy! JOY!

Once my hubby came home he took me out to buy a new birthday outfit. As I've said before shopping does bring me a bit of JOY!

I was told we were headed out to dinner that night. I was looking forward to my last date night in my twenties. ;-)
We arrived at Buca Di Beppo and I was surprised to find a table full of family and friends waiting there! It is so nice to have a group of people you love to help you celebrate. Nothing is better than that. I LOVED my party and spending time with everyone. The food was delicious! JOY!

The "afterparty" was a blast as well and left me with many memories that will have me laughing through my "distress". JOY!