Tuesday, February 2, 2010

A Few Days....

January 29
What a day! I LOVE days when Anna has off from school. It is SO nice to not have to be up and out the door. It's great to be able to take our time, stay in our jams, I get to enJOY my cup of coffee!
Today we took Abigail to the sitters (JOY!) and we went to the movies. I really do enJOY taking Anna to the movies. I love watching her face throughout and it's so funny to watch her laugh at things that are funny to her. We met my mom, my sister and my nieces and we saw The Chipmunks. Cute movie!

January 30
JOY is a Saturday morning! It's so nice to have my hubby home and once again to just enJOY the morning. We ran errands after breakfast and accomplished them all in about three hours. JOY is having a second set of hands and legs to run errands with!

January 31
Up and at em' for church this morning. JOY is my Dunkin Donuts coffee on the way to church! It's so funny how since I began this "journey" I am constantly reminded that I was meant to pick JOY.
It was in the pastor's sermon (JOY was listening to Dr. Tripp this morning!) and at the end of the service the hymn that the pastor chose was.....JOY to the World! How perfect! I think I was floating on air while singing.

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